Peabody Werden House

2415 East 1st
Los Angeles, CA 90033

Historic Peabody Werden House Moved Across First Street

Late on September 27, 2015, concerned about the potential demolition of a 120-year-old Tudor house in Boyle Heights, L.A. historian and LAVA co-founder Kim Cooper posted a graphic image to Facebook asking people to send emails to the property owner, low income housing developer ELACC, requesting they save the house. The image was shared dozens of times overnight, and the next morning ELACC announced their intention of preserving the historic Peabody Werden House.

On Thursday, June 30, the house will be moved across First Street to its temporary home on a Metro-owned vacant lot. Join us to see the once-common Los Angeles spectacle of a house moving and celebrate the incredible power of social media in historic preservation activism. To learn more, see Kim’s blog post.